
Home / Mustang


One of my first projects, actually my fifth project that I did in 3ds Max following Digital Tutors tutorial. Finished modelling 25.10.2009. It took me about a week. On 29.04.2010. I put the Mustang model inside a HDRI environment.


workout routine

I’m sure thankful I came this site since it digs right into the very center of what exactly is gnawing on us.


    And I am thankful you came to this site! 😀 But what else can we do than try to better ourselves in things we do and gain more wisdom other then stop existing and there is no fun in that. We are here for a reason. And my choice is to improve in things I choose to do and try to be wiser rather than the opposite.

Santo Kulka

Interesting and really really true. Bookmarked.

Luigi Fulk

Keep posting, i cant wait for more.


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